B.Ed. Audit Report [pdf-embedder url=”http://sghceratlam.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/AUDIT-REPORT-B-ED-2023-24.pdf” title=”AUDIT REPORT B ED 2023-24″] D.El.Ed. Audit Report [pdf-embedder url=”http://sghceratlam.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/AUDIT-REPORT-D-ED-2023-24.pdf” title=”AUDIT REPORT D ED 2023-24″] …
Mandatory Disclosure
[pdf-embedder url=”http://sghceratlam.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Mandatory.pdf”]
Affiliations & Recognition

Our Vision
To be renowned for excellence in professional learning globally Our aim is to create, inculcate in and imbibe the knowledge …

Our Mission
To make learning creative, interesting, interactive, and engaging through a system that is constructive, comprehensive, practical, and futuristic. We aim …
Message From Principal
My dear students, Your role as a teacher in the new millennium has become multifaceted and challenging. Teachers are nation …